It’s The Berries

Hilary Rose Live Wild blog Its the Berries.JPG

This is really the last few weeks you have to grab your free food from the hedgerows, well the berries at least!

The kids and I have been busy picking berries for the last few weekends although most of the loot ends up in our bellies by the time we reach the car. 

Its such fun way to burn an hour or so here or there and its all wild and free!

The produce currently on offer in the hedgerows are blackberries, elder berries and wine berries (wine berries look like small shiny raspberries, they are sweet and juicy). Elderberries are perfectly placed by Mother Earth at this time of year, they stop cold and flu viruses dead in their tracks when taken daily. (Recipe for an elderberry syrup that can be taken daily by all the family to follow.)

A few tips: 

  • Make sure you are harvesting away from busy roadways, dog walkers, or pesticide sprayed areas

  • Wear boots, the thorns will get you!

  • Bring lots containers and a backpack, you never know what you’ll find

  • Bring eco friendly baby wipes, the berries tend to get mushed and go everywhere


  • I use the berries as fresh snacks for myself and the kids

  • Use them as a breakfast topping

  • Throw them into natural organic yoghurt to liven it up

  • Or recently, I made a beautiful coulis to preserve the berries. I keep it in the fridge and it goes on my morning porridge. So warming and delicious as we enter the autumn months.   

Hilary Rose Live Wild blog Berry coulis.JPG


Thank you for reading. May you live wild and free.


Hilary x

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